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Saakashvili Speaks of 'United Caucasus' in UN Speech

24.09.2010 | Civil.ge | Link zur Quelle | Bilder | Video |

  • - To Abkhaz, Ossetians: 'we will protect you'
  • - To Moscow: 'be part of transformation of region'
  • - To Moscow: 'learn from us how to transform society'
  • - To world leaders: 'help us to secure peace'
  • - 'Modernization impossible with Khodorkovsky in Gulag'
  • - Calls on three countries to reverse Abkhaz, S.Ossetia recognition

  • -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    source: PDF-original of the speech at the UN General Assembly

    23 SEPTEMBER 2010

    Mr. President, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates,
    It is always a great honor for me to address the annual general assembly of the United
    Ladies and gentlemen, in uncertain times like ours, cooperation is more necessary than ever.
    Unless we stand together and invent new approaches to the global challenges we are all
    facing, we will be tom apart by fear and self-destructive interests.
    Gatherings like this one, therefore, are valuable only if they allow us to shape a common
    vision for concrete actions towards peace, development solidarity, and justice.
    This month, thanks to the coordinated efforts of the international community and the
    leadership of President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton. direct peace talks have
    resumed between Israelis and Palestinians.
    They resumed precisely at a moment when many people had given up hope for a just and
    lasting peace in the Middle East.
    The road to peace. security. and justice is still a long one. The remaining obstacles are
    enormous. But the goal is so noble and necessary that no effort should be spared.
    This is why today I would like to pay tribute to all those who are taking risks for peace.
    Yes, risks. Because peace is never obvious. never easy.
    That is certainly true in the Middle East, and it is true in my region as well.
    One of our common goals, then, must be to enable those risk-takers who have the courage to
    defy conventional wisdom and forge new paths to peace.
    Peace is not an easy way. But peace is the only way.
    As the President of a young democracy that recently suffered from war and invasion and is
    still under partial occupation by a nuclear superpower-I can say this: peace is our most
    precious common goal and. at the same time. our only path towards the other goals we share.
    To those here. and in my own country who see no way to reverse the armed occupation or
    reduce regional tensions. I say: peace is not only the goal, it is also the means to any goal.
    Today. ladies and gentlemen. my region is at a crossroads.
    For too long. it has suffered from division. injustice. conflict. colonization. and violence.
    Today. however. change is possible. In fact. change is already taking place.
    I came here to speak about this change and to promote a specific vision - a vision for a free.
    stable and united Caucasus.
    From Pushkin, Lermontov or Tolstoy's times till now. the Caucasian mountains were a
    symbol of wilderness and paradoxes. a region where individuals and souls were
    fundamentally free. but where citizens were politically oppressed. where people and cultures
    were deeply tolerant but where governments and authorities created artificial divisions. where
    shepherds would cross 5000 meters high mountains. but where rulers erected walls nobody
    could cross.
    I came here today to tell you that these times are vanishing. that the dream of unity and peace
    is possible.
    When I addressed you two years ago - in the aftermath of a full-scale invasion and when
    Russian Foreign Minister was openly threatening Georgia of total annihilation - few people
    believed that our country would survive as an independent and democratic state.
    Few people thought that our government would endure-that our economy would survive the
    war and the global crisis-that our reforms could continue with renewed vigor-or that we
    would make steady progress toward the European Union and Euro-Atlantic structures.
    Well. I am proud to tell you. two years later. that we have succeeded against the odds.
    Thanks to the commitment of the Georgian people and to the support of our friends and allies.
    Today. Georgia is back.
    Georgia is back. first as a laboratory for political reform and social transformation.
    More than ever, we are committed to the promise at the heart ofthe Rose Revolution-to turn
    a failed state into a modern European one.
    Our local elections last May were proof of that transformation and a
    democracy, the result of seven years of patient, constant.
    milestone for our
    tireless reform.
    This effort, of course, has to go on-and it will go on because a great deal remains to be done.
    Our objective is clear: to create a more institutionalized system of liberal democratic
    Ladies and gentlemen, my term as president ends in 2013 and these changes will survive my
    presidency and the current government.
    Because we are not only speaking about changes of leadership or reforms of institutions, we
    are speaking about something deeper and stronger-something that The Economist of London
    recently characterized as Georgia's "mental revolution."
    The Georgian people have tasted freedom, the absence of corruption, the fruits of economic
    development, the emergence of a true meritocracy. They have changed their behavior, their
    vision of the world, their dreams even, and they will mightily resist any attempts to reverse
    these changes-no matter if those attempts come from inside or from abroad.
    This is our great victory: we helped to create something that goes far beyond the leaders and
    parties that led the Rose Revolution. We helped to create a revolution of the heart and the
    Once one of the most corrupt countries of the post-Soviet world, Georgia has made greater
    gains in the fight against corruption, as measured by Transparency International, than any
    other country over the past five years.
    Once a place where foreign investors were kidnapped by gangs and mafias, Georgia is now
    ranked by the World Bank as number II for the ease of doing business in the world a
    ranking we hope to further improve this year.
    These rankings make clear why Georgia's only interest is a peaceful resolution of conflicts:
    Georgia is winning the peace-Georgia is winning through peace.
    Our northern neighbor expected us to change our path when it imposed on us a full embargo
    in 2006. invaded us in 2008. ethnically cleansed Georgian regions and illegally occupied 20%
    of our territory. an occupation that continues to this day.
    All these actions had one objective: to destroy the Georgian laboratory of political. economic.
    and social reform-to prevent the region from changing.
    We answered these relentless attacks by reinvigorating our reforms. opening our economy
    even more. and accelerating our social transformation.
    This is our policy and no provocation will ever make us change it.
    Thanks to this commitment to reform, Georgia is now a responsible international player.
    I am proud that my nation is fighting international terrorism in Afghanistan. I would like to
    pay tribute here to our nearly 1,000 soldiers who are risking their lives every day to help the
    Afghan people secure a stable, terror-free future.
    I want to pay a special tribute today to company commander, First Lieutenant Mukhran
    Shukvani. Earlier this month, Mukhran was killed in the cause of peace, while serving
    alongside NATO forces in the dangerous Helmand province of Afghanistan.
    We are fighting other common scourges, too, focusing especially on the terrible danger of
    nuclear trafficking. Many times over the past seven years, we have intercepted criminals who
    had in their possession the essential ingredients for nuclear devices. Every step of the way, we
    have cooperated with our allies in the international community to ensure that Georgia is doing
    everything possible to confront this global danger.
    Here I must pause to bring your attention to a grave problem that results from the partial
    occupation of my country-a problem everybody should worry about, even those who
    overlook international law, forget 500 000 lOPS and refugees, dismiss repeated assaults on
    basic human rights, civil liberties, and the environment.
    I am speaking of the lawlessness bred by the Russian occupation. Our two occupied regions
    exist in a black hole of governance. Today, in these lands, criminals act with impunity. The
    most elemental human rights are abused. Drugs and weapons are smuggled. People are
    trafficked. And potential weapons of mass destruction are moved in and out of these
    territories, posing a threat to us all.
    Three days ago. we met in this very place to discuss the Millennium Development Goals and
    our progress in meeting them over the past decade. I won't tire you with a recitation of our
    efforts to achieve the MDGs-the strides we have made in halving our poverty rate,
    reforming our educational system and improving health care.
    But I will tell you that these successes remain bittersweet for me because they cannot be
    savored by all the people of Georgia.
    Not by those who live in fear for their basic rights in the occupied territories. nor fully by
    these 500 000 lOPs and refugees who were expelled from their homes.
    Ladies and gentlemen, for the last two years. the Russian Federation has been violating the
    cease fire agreement broke red on 12 August 2008. by my good friend French President
    Nicolas Sarkozy. who was acting at the time on behalfofthe European Union.
    The Russian army has not withdrawn as required by the cease fire. European Union monitors
    cannot enter Russian-occupied areas. where a constant military buildup is taking place.
    Hundreds of thousands of lOPs. victims of the ethnic cleansing campaign led by the Russian
    forces. are still prevented from returning to their homes.
    How did Georgia respond to these violations of international law and human rights?
    We answered with patience and calm.
    We implemented-fully-the ceasefire agreement and went beyond our obligations, without
    ever using as a pretext Russia's refusal to comply.
    Last month, the head of the European Union Monitoring Mission. Ambassador Haber,
    publicly praised Georgian policy as "constructive unilateralism."
    What does "constructive unilateralism" mean?
    It refers for instance to our calm when FSB supported militias killed our policemen at the
    occupation line or to our willingness to free criminals working for the occupation regime
    when the other side was kidnapping teenagers who wanted only to visit their empty house.
    "Constructive unilateral ism" means that we behave in a civilized and patient way. even when
    our enemy uses barbaric methods or implements an impulsive and irrational policy.
    It means that - even if peace requires both sides to come to the table of negotiations - you can
    pave the way to peace on your own.
    This "constructive unilateral ism" is based on the idea that peace is in the supreme interest of
    Georgia, that peace is the only path to the de-occupation of our country.
    It forms the substance of the strategy on occupied territories that my government has put in
    motion to engage the populations held hostage by the Russian occupiers. on the other side of
    the New Iron Curtain that illegally divides our country.
    Walls like the one dividing Georgia will not be brought down by bombs, but by the
    commitment of citizens to build a free, united country-and by the commitment of the world
    community to enforce international law and the principles of the UN Charter.
    This commitment is expressed in the refusal of nearly the entire world to legitimize the
    Russian occupation by recognizing the so-called independence of Abkhazia and the
    Tskhinvali region. a de facto annexation of Georgian territories by the Russian Federation.
    It is noticeable that. despite enormous pressure and multiple threats from Moscow. not a
    single former soviet republic has recognized this dismemberment of Georgia.
    It shows-to the great surprise and fury of those who describe the fall of the Soviet Empire as
    the worst catastrophe of the zo" century-that the old times are definitely over.
    It shows that the change I evoked earlier already has taken root.
    It shows that the former captive nations of the Soviet times became strong independent states
    that can determine their own policies.
    It is noticeable-and it is noticed in Moscow.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I solemnly call today on those three, isolated UN member states that
    recognized Russia's de facto annexation of our territories and legitimized the Russian led
    ethnic cleansing campaigns to reverse their decision,
    It is never too late to overturn a bad policy, The dismemberment of Georgia has failed
    categorically - and even the Russian Federation will one day need to reverse its disastrous
    Imagine how uncomfortable these three isolated leaders from faraway countries will be when
    Moscow itself chooses to comply with international law and withdraw its troops?
    Because, ladies and gentlemen, that day will come.
    Those who claimed a military victory in 2008 now face a diplomatic and political defeat. And,
    in Moscow, the occupation and annexation will soon be debated. They are in fact already
    debated in the corridors of the Kremlin.
    Because this situation is not sustainable, even for the Russian leadership.
    We have now, in our country, Russian soldiers deserting their units and fleeing to the
    Georgian side through the Wall erected by their superiors.
    Just like Soviet soldiers did in Berlin during the Cold War.
    In which sense is History moving? Certainly not in the sense of those who can deploy
    thousands of tanks but who cannot even take care of their soldiers or prevent them from
    Ladies and gentlemen. those who refuse to modernize their society and to open their political
    system might have an interest in war or instability.
    But in Georgia. we know and we have always known that peace is our interest- the very
    precondition of our survival and our success.
    Ladies and gentlemen. I have three calls to make today:
    My first call is addressed to my fellow citizens of Abkhaz and Ossetian origins who live
    behind the New Iron Curtain that divides our common nation. I want to tell them once again:
    we will protect your rights. your culture. your history-we will work with you. we will work
    ./01' you.
    You are part ofa common history. a common culture. and a common future. Your differences
    enrich our proud national tapestry.
    Rather than succumb to annexation by the Russian Empire. we invite you to build together
    with us a multicultural and multiethnic society that would be a regional model for tolerance
    and respect.
    I dream about the day when an Abkhaz or Ossetian citizen of Georgia - as it happened several
    times in our common history - will become President of a reunited. democratic and European
    And this dream will become possible in a reunited and free Georgia, a Georgia that would
    build positive relations and even intense cooperation with the Russian Federation.
    A Russian Federation acting as a rational international player and not as a revisionist power.
    A Russian Federation that will have chosen cooperation instead of occupation, union of
    markets rather than embargoes, tolerance instead of crackdowns.
    My second call is, therefore, to the Russian leadership: you face a choice.
    Either you take a major part in this ongoing transformation of our common region, accepting
    other countries as partners and not vassals.
    Or this transformation will happen without you.
    We all want-I personally want-Russia as a partner and not as an enemy.
    That is why the Georgian government supports the reset policy of the United States and the
    European Union's engagement with Russia.
    Nobody has a greater stake than us in seeing Russia turn into a country that truly operates
    within the concert of nations, respects international law, and-this is often connectedupholds
    basic human rights.
    I want to tell the Russian people that they will always be welcome in Georgia, as tourists, as
    students, as businessmen, as journalists or simply as friends. Not as occupation forces.
    And I want to tell the Russian leaders that they should care more about their citizens and less
    about our diplomatic orientation, more about developing the Northern Caucasus - a region
    that is exploding as I speak - than about undermining our development.
    They are welcome to come too if they want, in order to understand how a post-soviet society
    can turn into a European one.
    I invite them to come, with notebooks rather than with missiles, with ipads rather than
    I was pleased to notice that some of our reforms inspired a few recent presidential speeches in
    Instead of fighting each other, we should excel together in modernizing our common region.
    And instead of secretly copying or envying our reforms, they should cooperate with us in
    order to build a stable and free area.
    Because. by looking over the best pupil's shoulder. one might not get the full picture of what
    modernization means.
    And allow me to say that the complete picture is rather simple: you cannot achieve lasting
    stability and prosperity without respecting some basic principles.
    Modernization without freedom is not sustainable and you cannot hope to diversify and
    develop your economy when you send your most successful businessmen to the Gulag. like
    Mikheil Khodorkovski.
    Computers are not enough if you do not have free minds to use them.
    So let us free our minds from our common soviet past in order to build a common future.
    My third call goes to all of you. to the international community: help us to secure peace. in
    Georgia. but also in our broader region.
    We Georgians have learned tragically how a so-called frozen conflict can very quickly
    become a hot one.
    If there is clear support from the international community. I am convinced that a lasting peace
    can be secured in the Caucasus.
    I am convinced that if the world shows the same commitment to a peaceful resolution of
    conflicts in my region than in other parts of the world. we can accomplish wonders.
    It is in everybody's interest to see this strategic region. this crossroads of civilizations.
    become more stable. prosperous. and open.
    Ladies and gentlemen, History has taught us that wars can erupt quickly - but also that brave
    leaders can secure peace where and when nobody would ever believe that conflicts could be
    History has taught us that regions that were torn apart by armed conflicts and contaminated by
    hate - starting with Europe - can achieve lasting peace through cooperation, interdependence
    and unity.
    History has taught us that dreams are often more realistic than resignation.
    I strongly believe that a common market, shared interests, and political and economic
    interdependence will one day give birth to a united Caucasus. That is what I am calling for
    We share a similar history of oppression, but we have also in common a deep, essential and
    undefeated aspiration for freedom.
    Let us capitalize on this aspiration. Our region will never be truly free if it is not united.
    It will of course require a long and difficult series of efforts and gestures, from all of us, but
    the objective is worth every sacrifice.
    As it happened a long time ago with the European Union - this amazing geopolitical
    revolution we aspire to join one day - the historical move towards Caucasian unity will start
    with concrete projects, in the energy sector, in the education and the cultural fields, in the civil
    society spheres.
    We should begin with more people to people exchanges. It is time we get to know each other
    and forge links that will bring us together without changing existing boarders.
    Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished delegates, my birth town and our capital. Tbilisi. is
    inhabited by Caucasians from every religion and from every ethnicity. Altogether, these
    people form a living example of tolerance and cooperation.
    We, leaders, have to learn from this cohabitation of peoples and translate it into geopolitics.
    Our unity would not be directed against anyone and, once again, we will not aspire to change
    any borders.
    We might belong to different States and live on different side of the mountains, but in terms
    of human and cultural space. there is no North and South Caucasus, there is one Caucasus,
    that belongs to Europe and will one day join the European family of free nations, following
    the Georgian path.
    We, the Caucasians. driven by legitimate or imaginary threat of annihilation from other
    powers or from each other, hoped too often to be protected by neighboring empires.
    This anxious search for foreign shelter has led us to subjugation. assimilation or annexation.
    It has authorized foreign leaders to artificially emphasize and manipulate our divisions.
    We - Caucasian people - we all made the same mistake through History.
    It is time to change.
    It is time to stick together, to help each other to survive and progress.
    It is time to understand that our region has sufficient resources and potential for all of us.
    It is time to rely on ourselves, on the human potential of our citizens, to develop our own
    education system and to organize our own development.
    The Caucasus is one of the birthplaces of European civilization. It is time to show that the
    energy of our ancestors does not belong only to a remote past and that we have something to
    give to our children and to the world.
    It is time to stop fighting and weakening each other and to realize that our strength consists in
    It is time, ladies and gentlemen, for unity and for peace.
    It is time to stop being prisoners ofthe past and to move towards our common future.
    In the past, Georgian citizens were perceiving our border with the Ottoman Empire as an
    absolute threat.
    Today, we have passport free customs, joint airport and free trade with Turkey.
    Tomorrow, the citizens of Armenia and Azerbaidjan will be able to cross our borders without
    Recently, a foreign diplomat told me that, after crossing our border with Russia, he
    encountered dozens of roadblocks where local militias and FSB agents kept blocking the
    passage from one valley to another, from one village to another, aggressively preventing
    individuals from circulating in their own country.
    It is time to replace barbwires and roadblocks by open borders and passeport-free customs, to
    replace IDP camps by joint schools and universities, to replace kalashnikov by computers and
    missiles by books, radios or TVs.
    Ladies and gentlemen, in 2008, thousands and thousands of tanks. armed vehicles. troops and
    militias crossed the Caucasian mountains, bringing destruction. death, hatred.
    Now. it is time for ideas - these ideas of freedom and unity that we all cherish to cross the
    same mountains. bringing hope, life and even love.
    As I speak, thousands of tanks. armed vehicles and missile platforms are entrenched or
    moving all across the Caucasus.
    If we remain on our own. isolated from each other. they will prevail.
    But if everybody holds the hand of his neighbor. if tens of millions of unarmed people stand
    together. shoulder to shoulder. being the continuation of each other just like the Caucasian
    mountains. then no brutal force will ever break through this chain of awakened human spirits
    and this thirst for freedom.
    Thank you.

    Stichworte: Georgien, UN, Sprache: englisch, Archiv: #

    UN-Generalversammlung verabschiedet Resolution zu den intern Vertriebenen in Georgien

    08.09.2010 | Civil.ge | Link zur Quelle | Bilder | Video |

    Es stimmten 50 Staaten für die Resolution und 17 Staaten mit Russland dagegen bei 86 Enthaltungen. Im Text der Resolution wird von "erzwungenem demokratischen Wandel" gesprochen.

    A/RES/64/294 :
    General Assembly

    Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

    General Assembly Adopts Text Recognizing Right of Return of Internally Displaced Persons throughout Georgia, Including Abkhazia and South Ossetia

    Assembly Also Adopts Resolution Extending until 1 January 2014

    Transition Period for Samoa’s Graduation from Least Developed Country Status

    By a vote of 50 in favour to 17 against, with 86 abstentions, the General Assembly today adopted a resolution recognizing the right of return of all internally displaced persons and refugees and their descendants, regardless of ethnicity, to their homes throughout Georgia, including in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    The Russian Federation introduced a motion for no-action on the text, but it was defeated by a vote of 67 against to 32 in favour, with 54 abstentions.

    By the terms of the resolution, the Assembly reaffirmed the unacceptability of forced demographic changes and underlined the urgent need for unimpeded access for humanitarian activities to internally displaced persons and refugees in all conflict-affected areas in Georgia.

    It also called on all participants in the Geneva discussions, which began in 2008, to intensify efforts to establish a durable peace, commit to enhanced confidence-building measures and to create favourable security conditions for the voluntary, safe and unhindered return of all internally displaced persons and refugees to their homes.

    Speaking after adoption, Georgia’s delegate praised the Assembly for raising the hopes of all those in Georgia who had been forced by violence and fear to flee their homes. Expressing his most sincere gratitude, he said today’s vote marked the third straight year the Assembly had invoked the norms of international law to defend internally displaced persons and refugees to return to their homes. Each year, support was widening.

    Acknowledging tensions that had arisen during the process, he said he understood that support for the text had not come easily, and at times, had little to do with substance, which made an affirmative vote even more noteworthy. The Georgian Government would remain as determined as ever to bring dignity and relief to long-suffering compatriots. It would continue to engage, including with those who had led the opposition to the resolution. He could only hope that in a year true progress would be made on the ground.

    When he introduced the resolution earlier, he said that over the past 17 years, some 400,000 people of various ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural backgrounds — Armenian, Estonian, Georgian, Greek and Ukrainian, and among them, Christians, Muslims and Jews — had been driven from the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali/South Ossetia. Apart from their hope for help from the Assembly, all Georgia’s internally displaced persons and refugees had were fading photos and memories. “We, as a community of States, must make a positive impact every time it is within our reach,” he said.

    Speaking before the vote, the representative of the Russian Federation explained his Government’s reasons for introducing a no-action motion, saying that the text had nothing to do with noble humanitarian aims. Its motivations were exclusively political and based on short-term calculations by Georgia, which had not taken responsibility for the events of 7-8 August 2008.

    He went on to say that the sponsors of the resolution refused to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia as autonomous States. The text’s provisions were unrealistic. For example, the idea of a timetable for the early return of refugees and internally displaced persons did not take into account the Secretary-General’s report, which stated that it was premature to develop one.

    Moreover, he said the text’s adoption would considerably harm discussions under way in Geneva, where parties were considering the status of internally displaced persons and refugees. Indeed, it was the Geneva process in which Abkhazia and South Ossetian parties were taking part and it was the only way forward. Adoption of the text would only detract from realistic, practical measures taking place in the region. By refusing to consider such a confrontational initiative, the Assembly would do more for internally displaced persons and refugees than by voting for the proposed “odious” text.

    In action on other matters, the Assembly, decided to extend by three years, until 1 January 2014, the transition period before Samoa graduated from least developed country status from 16 December 2010. By a consensus resolution to that effect, introduced by Yemen’s representative, it underlined the exceptional nature of such a decision, taken in the context of the unique disruption caused by the Pacific Ocean tsunami of 29 September 2009.

    Speaking after action, Samoa’s delegate, providing context, said that 29 September 2009 would be “forever etched in our national memory and conscience” as the fateful day when part of the country was demolished by the deadliest natural disaster in its recorded history. One hundred forty three lives were taken, while over 500 families were displaced “in the wink of an eye”. Suddenly, Samoa’s economic outlook appeared vulnerable, its future uncertain.

    Recalling the Assembly’s 2007 decision to graduate Samoa from the least developed country status by December 2010, he said that a year into the transition period, Samoa was contracting severely, due to the global recession, and reeling from the tsunami, neither of which had been envisioned in 2007. The imminent end to the transition period, coupled with massive rebuilding costs — 20 per cent of Samoa’s gross domestic product — had forced the country to request an extension.

    With the adoption of the resolution, the Assembly had brought Samoa a “rainbow of hope”, he said, expressing particular thanks to Nepal’s representative, as Chair of the Least Developed Country Coordinating Bureau, Yemen’s representative, as Chair of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China, and to Samoa’s development partners who lent support when the country was most in need.

    Finally, the General Assembly decided to add Venezuela to the membership of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

    Speaking after that decision, were the representatives of Cuba and Ecuador.

    Speaking after action on the motion for no action were the representatives of Nicaragua, Belarus, United Kingdom and France.

    Speaking in explanation of vote after the vote were the representatives of Switzerland, Lithuania, Estonia, Turkey and Czech Republic.

    The General Assembly will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 8 September, to discuss the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

    For information media • not an official record

    The UN General Assembly passed on September 7 Georgia-sponsored resolut
    ion A/RES/64/294 reiterating the right of return of all displaced persons and refugees to breakaway Abkhazia and South Ossetia by a vote of 50 in favor to 17 against, with 86 abstentions.
    Two similar non-binding resolutions were also passed by the Assembly in 2008 (in respect of Abkhazia) and in 2009. Georgia welcomed that each year support for the resolution was widening.
    Last year the resolution was passed with 48 countries voting in favor; 19 – against and with 78 abstentions. In 2008 the resolution was passed with small margin of 14 votes in favor to 11 against and 105 abstentions.
    “We have two votes more [this year] and our opponents, Russian diplomats lost two votes,” Grigol Vashadze, the Georgian foreign minister, said at a joint news conference with his visiting Finnish counterpart, Alexander Stubb, on September 8.
    “This trend will continue because of a simple reason – the international community has ruled a verdict on the occupying power’s actions in the occupied territories, including in respect of ethnic cleansing; there is a good wording in the resolution ‘forced demographic changes’, which is a synonym of ethnic cleansing,” he said.
    Before the vote on September 7, Russia tried to remove the issue from the agenda, describing the text as “odious”; but its motion was defeated by a vote of 67 against to 32 in favor, with 54 abstentions.
    Russia’s UN envoy said that the resolution had no humanitarian aims and its motivations were exclusively political and based on short-term calculations by Georgia. Russia also said that the text of resolution was unrealistic, in particular the idea of a timetable for the early return of refugees and internally displaced persons, which the Russian envoy said, did not take into account the Secretary-General’s report stating that it was premature to develop such timetable.

    Stichworte: Georgien, Abchasien, Süd-Ossetien, Russland, Krieg-2008, Sprache: deutsch, englisch, Archiv: #