Out on the racks today is the Secretary-General’s report pursuant to Security Council resolutions 1808 (2008), 1839 (2008) and 1866 (2009). It provides an update on the activities of the UN Observer Mission in Georgia and contains recommendations on future activities of the Mission.
The report notes that the Mission has continued its activities on both sides of the ceasefire line, contributing to the general stability and security of the local population, in particular in the Gali district. But given the continued erosion of the security regime, an agreement on a revised security regime is essential for a long-term stabilization and a viable UN role in the region.
Included in this recommended new regime would be a strict adherence to the ceasefire on land, at sea and in the air, and to the principle of the non-use of force.
UN-Resolutionen zu Georgien: 1866 - 1839 - 1808
Stichworte: Georgien, Abchasien, Süd-Ossetien, Russland, Sprache: deutsch, englisch, Archiv: #