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Quellen: Civil Georgia, Rustavi2
Nachwahl zu drei Direktmandaten gewinnt Georgian Dream - Civil Georgia, 15.10.2012 
Zusammensetzung des neuen Parlaments:
Bidzina Ivanishvili-angeführte Koalition
Georgian Dream: 85 Sitze; United National Movement (UNM) mit Präsident Saakashvili: 65 Sitze Results of repeat elections in eleven precincts of three single-mandate constituencies on Sunday show that the Georgian Dream coalition has won three more majoritarian MP seats in the new Parliament. It means that the Georgian Dream won total of 41 majoritarian seats out of 73; rest of the 32 single-mandate constituencies have been won by the UNM candidates. The Georgian Dream won 44 seats through party-list, proportional system and in overall Bidzina Ivanishvili-led coalition will have total of 85 seats in the Parliament – 15 short of two-third majority required for passing constitutional changes. UNM will have 65 seats in the new Parliament. Repeat majoritarian elections were held in nine precincts of the Khashuri single-mandate constituencies, where the Georgian Dream candidate’s victory was largely anticipated. Repeat poll was also held in one precinct of Signagi single-mandate constituency where UNM’s candidate Levan Bezhashvili, ex-head of the state audit agency, lost the race to Georgian Dream’s Gela Gelashvili. Repeat election was also held on Sunday in Gori’s one precinct where the Georgian Dream candidate, Malkhaz Vakhtangashvili, won the race against UNM’s Giorgi Tatishvili, ex-governor of Shida Kartli region.

Regierung tritt zurück - 11.10.12, Civil Georgia
Präsident Saakashvili hat den Rücktritt der georg. Regierung angenommen. ... Neue Regierung muss nun nach der georg. Verfassung bis 17.10. antreten. ... Die Nominierung der neuen Regierung erfolgt durch den Präsidenten nach Beratungen mit den parlamentarischen Fraktionen.  ...

Nach Treffen geben Wahlgewinner Ivanishvili und Präsident Saakashvili Erklärungen ab - 09.10.12, Civil Georgia
Ivanishvili: “Our today’s meeting represented a continuation of that healthy policy, which my team and I have brought into Georgian political space.   The fact that my team and I managed and created a precedent in Georgia to change the authorities democratically will always be mentioned in a dignified manner in Georgia’s history. ..."
Saakashvili: “I want to tell you that today is the historic process. Peaceful handover of most of the executive government’s powers in the framework of democracy is ongoing for the first time in this region, in this part of post-Soviet space.   The Georgian people have made their choice. We have always been saying and we will say it in the future too that we respect the choice of the Georgian people. The Georgian people are supreme actors in the country, which define political processes. ..."

Ivanishvili gibt Kandidaten für Minister- und Parlamentspositionen bekannt - 08.10.12, Civil Georgia
Genau eine Woche nach den Parlamentswahlen in Georgien hat der Anführer der Oppositionskoalition und Gewinner der Wahlen Bidsina Iwanischwili sein neues Kabinett vorgestellt. Dem Kabinett werden mehrere Personen angehören, die bereits zuvor diplomatische oder Regierungsämter innehatten.
• Außenministerin: Maja Pandschikidse (Frühere Botschafterin in den Niederlanden)
• Verteidigungsminister: Irakli Alasanja (Früherer UN-Botschafter)
• Innenminister : Irakli Garibaschwili
• Minister für Infrastruktur und regionale Entwicklung sowie stellvertretender Ministerpräsident: Kacha Kaladze (Ehemaliger Fußballprofi von AC Mailand)
• Sprecher des Parlaments: David Usupaschwili
• Justizministerin: Tea Tsulukiani
• Minister für Arbeits, -Gesundheits- und Soziale Angelegenheiten: Amiran Gamkrelidse (bereits 2001-2004)
• Minister für Landwirtschaft: David Kirvalidze (bereits 2001-2003)
• Minister für Gefängnisangelegenheiten: Sozar Subari
• Minister für Kultur und Denkmalschutz: Guram Odisharia
• Minister für Sport und Jugend: Levan Kipiani
• Staatsminister für Europäische und Euro-Atlantische Integration: Alexi Petriaschwili
• Kote Surguladse: Staatsministerin für Diaspora- Angelegenheiten
Der zukünftige Regierungschef sagte vor der Presse: „Dies wird wahrlich eine Regierung des Volkes sein“.
Das vorgestellte Kabinett muss nun von Präsident Micheil Saakaschwili dem Parlament zur Bestätigung vorgelegt werden. Saakaschwili hatte zuvor angekündigt mit der Georgian Dream Koalition zu kooperieren.
Rückblick: 1991 Unabhängigkeit von Sowjetunion; 1991-92 Swiad Gamsachurdia; 1992-2003 Eduard Schewardnadse (1964-72 Innenminister); 22.11.2003 Rosenrevolution; 2003-2012 Regierung Saakaschwili

Ivanishvili gibt Kandidaten für Minister- und Parlamentspositionen bekannt - 08.10.12, Rustavi2


Quelle: 08.10.2012, www.civil.ge

Georgian Dream - Bidzina Ivanishvili: Rede auf Kundgebung - 27.05.12, Civil Georgia
‘Elections - a matter of life and death for our country’;
‘Our goal is not to defeat anyone; our goal is Georgia’s victory’;
‘We’ll make no promises, which are impossible to deliver on’;
‘We are starting struggle for Georgia’s reunification in order to make unified, democratic Georgia a full-fledged member of EU, NATO’;


Georgia: Ivanishvili’s call for President Saakashvili’s resignation, a direct attack against democracy and the rule of law - 02.10.2012, eureporter.com, By EU Reporter correspondent
The President of the European People’s Party (EPP), Wilfried Martens, made the following statement on the results of yesterday’s parliamentary elections in Georgia: "The parliamentary elections which took place in Georgia have reinforced
significantly the country’s democratic credentials. Despite the foul campaign practices from the challengers, I take note of the result and I commend President Mikheil  Saakashvili for respecting it and for facilitating a peaceful transition of power. In the next five years, the democratic debate - with the United National Movement (UNM) as the opposition party - will take place in the parliament, not in the streets. For the past nine years, President Saakashvili and the governments of the UNM  - a member-party of the EPP - consolidated and cherished democracy and the rule of law in Georgia. It is not suprising that the OSCE has stated that ‘the Georgian people have freely expressed their will’ and that ‘there were no grave violations during the voting’. Thanks to President Saakshvili and the UNM, Georgia has become a truly democratic and European country." "Needless to say, the EPP will be monitoring very closely the new government, which will be formed by Bidzina Ivanishvili’s ‘Georgian Dream’ coalition, because it remains to be seen if they will preserve the country’s democratic achievements and if they will keep Georgia on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration. But to my astonishment, even as the votes are still being counted, Mr. Ivanishvili has called for President Saakashvili’s resignation. This call is totally unacceptable and is a direct attack against democracy and the rule of law. Therefore, I expect all those European politicians who were quick to congratulate Ivanishvili today, to publicly denounce his call for the President’s resignation and to demand for an immediate retraction. Moreover, I will be working closely with our EPP parliamentary groups in the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the OSCE, in order to safeguard the country’s democratic achievements; I also call on all other relevant EU institutions to do the same and the European Commission in particular, which is negotiating an Association Agreement with Georgia."

Int. Reaktionen auf die Wahlen in Georgien - Civil Georgia, 04.10.12Below is a round-up of some of the international reactions to Georgia’s October 1 parliamentary elections in which President Saakashvili’s United National Movement lost majority in the legislative body after being defeated by Bidzina Ivanishvili-led Georgian Dream coalition.
Extracts from OSCE/ODIHR-led Int’l Election Observation Mission’s 13-page report on preliminary findings and conclusions released on Oct.2:
Elections marked an important step in consolidating the conduct of democratic elections in line with OSCE and Council of Europe commitments, although certain key issues remain to be addressed.
The campaign was competitive with active citizen participation… Environment, however, was polarized and tense, characterized by the use of harsh rhetoric and some instances of violence.
The distinction between state activities and the campaign of the ruling party was at times blurred.
Overall, election day was calm and peaceful throughout the country. International observers assessed all stages of the election day process generally positively with adherence to procedures, although counting received a less positive assessment.
International observers evaluated the counting process less positively than voting, with a negative assessment given in almost one sixth of polling stations observed.
Statement by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – Oct.2:
“The United States congratulates the citizens of Georgia on their peaceful and active participation in yesterday’s parliamentary elections. This was an historic day for all Georgians and for Georgia’s democratic future. We support the OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission and its assessment that the Georgian people have freely expressed their will at the ballot box. And we urge the authorities to conduct the final count and appeals transparently and in accordance with the rule of law. Now that the people of Georgia have spoken, the United States encourages all parties to work together constructively in the new parliament to advance Georgia’s democratic and economic development. We look forward to working with the new parliament, as well as the cabinet and president of Georgia to build upon our strong relationship and create a brighter future for the Georgian people.
Statement by the White House Press Secretary – Oct.2:
“The United States congratulates the people of Georgia for the successful completion of yesterday’s parliamentary elections, and the achievement of another milestone in Georgia’s democratic development. Georgian citizens have set a regional and global example by conducting a competitive campaign, freely exercising their democratic rights, and affirming their commitment to undertake a peaceful transfer of power. Local and international election monitors, including OSCE/ODIHR, contributed to ensuring a transparent electoral process. While the final tabulation and appeals are still ongoing, these elections mark a significant step in the consolidation of Georgian democracy. Much work remains in the coming days and months. President Mikheil Saakashvili, Bidzina Ivanishvili and the leadership of the Georgian Dream coalition, and Georgia’s new parliament will need to work together in a spirit of national unity to ensure continued progress on the advancement of democracy and economic development to the benefit of the Georgian people and the entire region. The United States stands with all Georgians in welcoming these historic elections. President Obama and his Administration look forward to furthering our close cooperation and strong bilateral partnership with Georgia."
Statement by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen – Oct.3:
“I congratulate the Georgian people on completing free, competitive and peaceful parliamentary elections. This is an historic moment in Georgia's democratic development. Now it is important for all sides to come together for the good of the country and to further consolidate reforms and democratic institutions. NATO is committed to our close relationship with Georgia. We look forward to making this relationship even stronger.”
Joint statement of EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy Štefan Füle – Oct.2:
“The EU congratulates the Georgian Dream coalition on its election victory. The Georgian people have now spoken. Both responsible government and constructive opposition are essential parts of a functioning democratic society. We call on all representatives elected to the new parliament to work together in the interests of Georgia. The generally positive conduct of parliamentary elections on 1 October and the high level of voter participation, underscore Georgia’s commitment to its democratic path… We look forward to continued close cooperation with Georgia on our ambitious mutual agenda of political association and economic integration.”
Statement by British Foreign Secretary William Hague - Oct.3:
"The parliamentary elections in Georgia on 1 October marked a significant step forward in Georgia’s democratic development. Although the campaign environment was polarised and tense, voter turnout was high and the contest highly competitive. I expect that the final result will reflect the choice of the Georgian people. I welcome yesterday’s statement from the OSCE/ODIHR Observer Mission and associated Parliamentary Assembly Missions. The UK was pleased both to contribute to these missions and field a large monitoring mission throughout Georgia, in collaboration with the US and Netherlands Embassies in Georgia. It is now time for all parties to set their differences aside as they work together in the new Parliament and form a new Government. Cooperation and political dialogue are the hallmarks of a true democracy. The UK continues to support Georgia’s democratic future and Euro-Atlantic aspirations."
Statement by Russian Foreign Ministry – Oct.3:
“It is obvious that the Georgian society has voted for changes. We hope that in the end these [changes] will allow Georgia to start normalizing, building constructive and respectful relations with neighbors. Such a development would obviously be welcomed in Russia.”
Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev said on Oct.2:
“If these [early] results become real, the political landscape of Georgia will become more diverse. It can only be welcomed, because probably it means that more constructive and responsible forces will come to the Parliament.”
Statement Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland - Oct.3:
“The successful completion of open and competitive elections, recognised as democratic by the international observers including members of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, should be seen as a clear and unequivocal sign of the success of the democratic transformation of Georgian society over the last few years. I congratulate the Georgian Dream Coalition on the election victory. It is now important to complete all stages of the election process and handover of government in a calm and constructive atmosphere. The Council of Europe stands ready to further accompany the young but dynamic Georgian democracy in upholding fundamental values and in tackling the challenges which lie ahead."
Statement by the President of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Jean-Claude Mignon - Oct.3:
"Georgia has taken an important step in consolidating the conduct of democratic elections. I particularly wish to welcome the constructive approach taken by President Mikheil Saakashvili, who has announced that he wishes to facilitate the process for forming a new government. I call for dialogue between the political forces in Georgia to ensure the success of their co-existence in the interests of the Georgian people and stability in the region."
EU gratuliert Georgian Dream zum Wahlsieg - Civil Georgia, 03.10.12
EU Congratulates Georgian Dream on Election Victory - Civil Georgia, 03.10.12
The generally positive conduct of parliamentary elections on 1 October, and the high level of voter participation underscore Georgia’s commitment to its democratic path, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Štefan Füle, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood said in a joint statement on October 2.

"The EU congratulates the Georgian Dream coalition on its election victory. The Georgian people have now spoken. Both responsible government and constructive opposition are essential parts of a functioning democratic society,” the statement reads. In the statement the EU called on all representatives elected to the new parliament “to work together in the interests of Georgia.” “We take full note of ODIHR’s preliminary assessment of the conduct of the elections which considers that the process has shown a healthy respect for fundamental freedoms at the heart of democratic elections,” the statement reads. “We look forward to continued close cooperation with Georgia on our ambitious mutual agenda of political association and economic integration.”

Statement by National Bank of Georgia - 05.10.12, Rustavi2
President of the National Bank of Georgia said today that the change of government will have no negative affect on the bank system of the country. Giorgi Kadagidze explained the country`s financial situation is stable and Georgia has enough reserves to control the situation. "The National Bank of Georgia always was, is and will be the guarantee for the country`s financial stability. Today, the inflation is controllable and the currency exchange rate is stable. Our bank system is very healthy. Furthermore, we have reserves of USD 3 million, which are enough for eradicating any kind of possible shock in the country. I think, no questions exist or can even exist regarding the issue", he said.

CEC Releases Early Results from 85.1% of Precincts  - Civil Georgia, 02.10.12 21:47
According to the early results of party-list contest, released by the Central Election Commission (CEC) as of 9:30pm, the Georgian Dream is in lead with 54.89% and the UNM has 42.42%. These are the results from 3,151 precincts that is 85.1% of a total number of precincts.
No other political group managed to clear the 5% threshold required for endorsing candidates in the Parliament. According to early results, Christian-Democratic Movement (CDM) received 2% of votes. CEC said that final early results would be released later at night. Meanwhile, the activists of Georgian Dream are holding a rally outside CEC demanding quick release of results.
According to early results, the UNM majoritarian MP candidates are leading in 37 single-mandate constituencies, while Georgian Dream candidates - in 35. The CEC has not received the results from the Aspindza single-mandate constituency yet.
The UNM is leading in the following single-mandate constituencies: Sagarejo, Gurjaani, Signagi, Dedoplistskaro, Lagodekhi, Kvareli, Gardabani, Marneuli, Bolnisi, Dmanisi, Tsalka, Tetritskaro, Gori, Khashuri, Akhaltsikhe, Adigeni, Akhalkalaki, Ninotsminda, Ambrolauri, Tsageri, Lentekhi, Terjola, Bagdati, Vani, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Abasha, Senaki, Martvili, Khobi, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Chkhorotsku, Batumi, Keda, Shuakhevi, Khulo.
Georgian Dream majoritarian MP candidates are leading in the following single-mandate constituencies: Telavi, Akhmeta, Tianeti, Rustavi, Mtskheta, Dusheti, Kazbegi, Kaspi, Kareli, Borjomi, Oni, Mestia, Kharagauli, Sachkhere, Zestaponi, Samtredia, Chiatura, Tkibuli, Tskaltubo, Kutaisi, Ozurgeri, Lanchkhuti, Poti, Kobuleti, Khelvachauri.

Georgiens Präsident gesteht Wahlniederlage ein - 02.10.12, dradio.de
Nach der Parlamentswahl in Georgien hat Präsident Saakaschwili seine Niederlage eingestanden. Seine Partei werde in die Opposition gehen, sagte er in einer Fernsehansprache. Nach neuesten Hochrechnungen liegt das oppositionelle Bündnis 'Georgischer Traum' des Milliardärs Iwanischwili mit gut 53 Prozent der Stimmen deutlich vor der Regierungspartei. Sie kann mit lediglich 42 Prozent rechnen. - Die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa wertete den Verlauf der Wahl in Georgien als einen wichtigen Schritt auf dem Weg zur Demokratie. - In Tiflis hatten bereits gestern Abend Anhänger der Opposition mit Autokorsos und Hupkonzerten den erwarteten Erfolg gefeiert.

Deutschlandfunk -Internationale Presseschau 02.10.12 12:50 - Georgien nach der Wahl - MP3 | Flash
President Saakashvili Concedes Defeat in Parliamentary Election - 02.10.12, Civil Georgia
In a
televised address President Saakashvili conceded that his ruling UNM party had lost Monday's parliamentary election, adding that UNM was now going into opposition.
Wahlkommission beginnt die Ergebnisse zu veröffentlichen ab 3:50 Uhr Ortszeit - summary protocols on the web
CEC Starts Releasing Results, Claims its Website Under DoS Attack - Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 2 Oct.'12 / 04:12
Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC), Zurab Kharatishvili, has said that CEC website suffered denial-of-service attack, which delayed upload of summary protocols on the web. Results from 198 precincts out of total 3,766 were released as of 3:50am. “Our website was under DoS attack, which has caused minor delays… but we were ready for such a scenario too,” Kharatishvili said.
So far released data represent results from only 5.26% of precincts and according to these results the Georgian Dream has in proportional, party-list race 51.62% and the ruling UNM party – 43.85%.

U.S. Ambassador Comments on Elections - 01.10.2012, Civil Georgia
Political leaders “on all sides have told us they will respect the results of a credible process, and will actively encourage their supporters to do the same,” U.S. ambassador to Georgia, Richard Norland, said on October 1.
“The campaigning is over and the results of the election are now in the hands of Georgia’s voters. This is a genuinely competitive occasion. Despite numerous claims and predictions, no one knows in advance what the outcome of today’s voting will be. Each and every Georgian voting today will help decide the outcome,” he said.
“As observers, we have been asked to monitor compliance with international standards and report any violations. We hope there will not be violations, but if there are we will report them, regardless of who commits them. Everyone wants a credible election result. Leaders on all sides have told us they will respect the results of a credible process, and will actively encourage their supporters to do the same. ...
Georgien wählt das Parlament - 01.10.2012, Civil Georgia
Over 3,600 polling stations across the country opened at 8am on October 1 across the country for the parliamentary elections. All the polling stations are opened and voting is ongoing peacefully, according to the Central Election Commission (CEC). It said first data on voter turnout was expected by 10:30am local time. Simultaneously with parliamentary elections, voters in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara are also electing 21-member local legislative body, Supreme Council.
Georgien wählt das Parlament für 8.Versammlung - 01.10.12, Rustavi2
Georgia is electing a new parliament today - polling stations throughout the country were opened at 8 a.m. exactly. The country is electing the parliament of 8-th convocation.
60,000 lokale Beobachter überwachen Wahlen
- 01.10.12, Rustavi2
Georgian NGOs are intensively involved in the process of monitoring of elections - over 60 thousand monitors have been distributed on all polling stations throughout Georgia. Fair Elections NGO has sent about 1270 monitors to all precincts.

61 internationale Organisationen beobachten Wahlen in Georgien - 01.10.12, Rustavi2

Over two thousand monitors from 61 various international organizations are observing parliamentary elections in Georgia. Delegations from the OSCE, CoE and European Parliament are already at various polling stations throughout Georgia.
Präsident gab seine Stimme ab -  01.10.12, Rustavi2
President of Georgia has already made his choice - Mikheil Saakashvili went to the 19th polling station of the Mtatsminda constituency at 9 AM together with first lady Sandra Roelofs and younger son Nikoloz.
Präsident Saakashvili gibt Stimmzettel ab; er sagt, Georgien werde gewinnen - 01.10.2012, Civil Georgia

Wahlen, Russland und Gefängnisskandal in Präsident Saakashvili's UN-Rede - 26.09.2012, Civil Georgia
... he spoke of prison scandal in Georgia ... “The facts were sickening and our responsibility was clear; our reaction was swift and we did what democracies must do – we identified all the responsible, all these responsible were arrested, two government ministers have resigned and we put in charge of the prison system the fiercest critic of the prison system – the human rights defender, the Georgian ombudsman,” ... He said that the democracy would prevail in Georgia only if it remained “Georgian process” guarded from “externally generated security threats.”
“The European Union Monitoring Mission [EUMM] has just announced, that Russian forces are presently undertaking mass illegal military build-up inside occupied territory, in former territory of South Ossetia, which is within Georgia’s internationally recognized borders. As we speak they are bringing offensive weapons and troops inside our borders,” Saakashvili said. ... “I came here to tell you that Georgia will remain an open society – this is the choice of our citizens and there is no alternative to this,” he said. “Georgia has conducted several elections in recent years all of which were observed by international observers and all of which were free and fair.” ... “Regrettably not all actors in the Georgian political landscape shared these principles and are purposely working to undermine the legitimacy of Georgia’s democratic institutions, how they are perceived at home and in the international community,” he said. ... “The main thing that will be confirmed [is] that Georgia will never go back, it will not be dragged back under any pressure, under any dirty money from the North, under any threat of military exercises and [threat of] direct military invasion in case there are mass disturbances, in case there are some kind of militias emerging and menacing us,” Saakashvili said. “It's not gonna work,” he continued. “According to the European Union we are the safest country in Europe; we are the least corrupt country of Europe with strong government institutions; they cannot be bribed and they cannot be undermined.”

Georgia elections: Furious PR battle for Western minds - 20.09.12, BBC
By Damien McGuinness BBC News, Tbilisi
Less than two weeks before elections in Georgia, a bitter political battle is being fought not just in the country itself, but in Western corridors of power. The West is being bombarded by two very different stories about Georgia, with top international PR and lobby firms hired to push the message. The war of words is costing both sides huge amounts of money - in a country with high levels of poverty. The version pushed by the Georgian government rests on a common perception of the country: a small, plucky state, keen to shake off its Soviet past and join Nato, bullied by Russia, and invaded in 2008. ... But now politicians and journalists in the West are suddenly being told another story entirely: President Saakashvili is accused of being authoritarian, of crushing political dissent and of being responsible for Georgia's war with Russia. By this account, the elections on 1 October will be rigged. It is a well-funded message being spread by top international lobbyists and PR firms hired by Georgia's opposition leader, the tycoon Bidzina Ivanishvili, whose $6.4bn (£3.9bn; 4.9bn-euro) fortune is worth around half of Georgia's GDP. ...

Liste der Kandidaten für Direktmandate - List of Majoritarian MP Candidates - 07.09.2012, Civil Georgia
... Ruling party United National Movement and Georgian Dream opposition coalition are the only political groups, which have nominated their candidates in all of the 73 constituencies across the country. Free Georgia, led by Kakha Kukava, has its candidates in 64 constituencies; Christian-Democratic Movement – 61; Labor Party – 58; New Rights – 54. There are only four independent candidates. 77 seats in 150-member Parliament will be allocated under the proportional, party-list system among those parties and election blocs, which will clear 5% threshold, and remaining 73 seats will go to majoritarian MPs elected in single-mandate constituencies. ...
UNM's Party List of MP Candidates (Regierungspartei; Präsident Saakaschwili) - 01.09.12, Civil Georgia
Georgian Dream's Party List of MP Candidates
(Oppositionsbündnis; Miiliardär Iwanischwili) - 31.08.12, Civil Georgia
Termine zur Wahl und Fristen - Election-Related Dates and Deadlines - 03.08.2012, Civil Georgia

More audio records of conversations emerge on internet - 28.09.12
, Rustavi2
More audio records of the conversations between the leaders of the Georgian Dream Coalition has emerged on internet today - the first part of these dialogues were uploaded on youtube.com by the former body-guard of Bidzina Ivanishvili. ... In the new files released today, the leaders of the coalition speak slam their allies from the same coalition and discuss the information policy of the TV9, run by Ivanishvili. Gia Khukhashvili and Irakli Gharibashvili are dissatisfied with the coverage of political events by the TV9 channel.

Ivanishvili`s body guard makes scandalous statement - 27.09.12, Rustavi2
Body guard of the Georgian Dream coalition leader Bidzina Ivanishvili has published his video address and scandalous footage on internet. Beso Surmava says in his video address that the society should know the truth about the coalition. He says Ivanishvili had instructed him personally to chase and make audio records of the telephone conversations of the leaders of the coalition.
`I know that these videos will surprise many people, but I consider myself obliged to behave the way I believe is right. I am personal body guard of Bidzina Ivanishvili, I don`t know why, but our security service was instructed by Bidzina to listen secretely and record conversations of the members of the Georgian Dream at any possibility,` Surmava says.
The audio records, which Surmava released on video, includes conversations of Eka Beselia, who slams another member of the coalition Zakaria Kutsnashvili; Irakli Gharibashvili swears Tina Khidasheli. Conversations of Irakli Alasania, Gubaz Sanikidze and Gia Khukhashvili. ...

Tbilisi Mayor`s statement on secret video recordings - 27.09.12, Rustavi2

Tbilisi Mayor Gigi Ugulava released today a statement regarding the secret video recordings released through social networks.
Scandaous video released on internet - 27.09.12, Rustavi2

The war of malpractices began on internet since the morning today - a video depicting the dialogue of the Gardabani majoritarian MP candidate from Georgian Dream Coalition Mamuka Areshidze with unknown person emerged on social networks today.
Videos depicting meeting of late millionaire with politicians emerges on internet - 27.09.12, Rustavi2

Users of social networks have released videos taken in the residence of the late millionaire, politician and media magnate, Badri Patarkatsishvili. In one of the fragments... 

Khaindrava compains about pressure - 27.09.12, Rustavi2

Politician and film director Goga Khaindrava complains about political pressure from government. Khaindrava told journalists that the criminal cases against him, which accuses him of connection with criminal network, have been fabricated.
Opposition coalition members call interior ministry`s materials `fabrication` - 26.09.12, Rustavi2

Representatives of the Georgian Dream opposition coalition commented on the audio records of teh conversations released by the interior ministry calling them a "fabrication".
Kaladze`s meetings with criminal authorities was reported in June - 26.09.12, Rustavi2

Reports about the meeting between Kakha Kaladze, leader of the Georgian Dream party list and fugitive crime bosses in Europe were released earlier in June. Rustavi2 learned about this meeting then and even aired a reportage about this...
MIA releases audio conversations - 26.09.12, Rustavi2

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has released audio records of the conversations between two leaders of the Georgian Dream Coalition, Kakha Kaladze and Gubaz Sanikidze and the criminal bosses, who currently live abroad.


Khaindrava interrogated by law enforcers - 26.09.12, Rustavi2

Opposition figure and former film director Goga Khaindrava was interrogated by the police late last night with the status of witness. He was giving testimony to the investigation regarding the video footage and photos handed over to Georgian ...
Prosecutor`s office releases special statement
25.09.12 17:46
Prosecutor`s Office of Georgia has released video footage depicting meetings of former Georgian politician and film director Goga Khaindrava with Georgian crime bosses in Paris.
Ivanishvili comments on his nephew`s involvement in police bribing - 25.09.12, Rustavi2

Leader of the Georgian Dream Coalition has commented on the video footage released by the Interior Ministry yesterday. Video taken secretly shows how Ivanishvili`s nephew Emzar Ivanishvili tries to bribe police officer.
President comments on GD candidate`s activities - 24.09.12, Rustavi2

President Saakashvili has commented on the video footage of police officers` bribing released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs today, in which one of the MP candidate from Georgian Dream Coalition, Aleko Tabatadze is also mentioned.
MIA arrests four persons for bribing police officers
- 24.09.12, Rustavi2
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has arrested four persons with the charges of bribing police officers. Special statement and the video footage depicting the fact of bribery were released by the ministry this morning.
Reportedly, police have arrested Giorgi Gherkerashvili, Giorgi Dzotsenidze, Koba Samkharadze and police officer Roman Maisuradze. In addition, police have seized $50 thousand bribe offered to the police officers.
`Investigation of the case continues to reveal and arrest other persons involved in the crime. Ministry of Interior will hand over these materials to the prosecutor`s office of Georgia for further reaction as the name of MP candidate Aleko Tabatadze has been also tied with the fact of bribery,` the statement says.
Ivanishvili says the video footage released by MIA is false - 24.09.12, Rustavi2
Leader of the Georgian Dream coalition Bidzina Ivanishvili has said the video footage depicting the bribing of police officers by the coalition`s activists and his nephew is false. Ivanishvili says their ideology does not envisage bribing of anybody.
`It was planned earlier and they had been asserting they had something. It is absolutely untrue and fabrication. Our ideology does not envisage bribing anybody and this is false. Nephew or any other relative, who ever it is, it must have been coming from the center, but such thing is not the part of our ideology, it has never been so and nobody believes in this. This is a lie and it will return to them and cause more irritation and concern in people,` Ivanishvili said.

Four persons arrested for prison abuse - 27.09.12, Rustavi2

Prosecutor`s office of Georgia has arrested four persons with the charges of prisoners` sexual assault and abuse - prosecutor Shota Tkeshelashvili announced at the briefing today.
Bedukadze wanted by Interpol - 27.09.12, Rustavi2

Vladimer Bedukadze is wanted by Interpol - fugitive former officer of the Gldani N8 prison, whose photos have been already posted on the official website of the international police structure. Bedukadze, who recorded prisoner`s sexual abuse and torture on cameras, is wanted for life and health offence charges.
Public council to monitor Georgia`s penitentiary system - 26.09.12, Rustavi2

A Public Monitoring Council has been established at the Ministry of Correction and Legal Assistance of Georgia. The monitoring council will comprise prominent public figures, representatives of NGOs and religious minorities, also human rights activists.
Special commission to investigate prisoners` abuse and torture - 25.09.12, Rustavi2
A special commission will be formed within ten days to investigate the facts of prisoners` abuse and torture in Georgian prisons - minister of corrections and legal assistance of Georgia, Giorgi Tughushi announced at the special briefing today.
Statement by Prosecutor`s Office of Georgia - 21.09.12, Rustavi2
Prosecutor`s Office of Georgia has published a special statement calling on everybody to hand over any video or audio evidence p
roving the torture or mistreatment to the prisoners in Georgia to law enforcers in order to make adequate reaction and uproot similar facts. Prosecutor`s Office also defines that not handing such materials to law enforcers is also a crime and is punished with two year sentence.
`In order to protect our prisoners from violence and punish the culprit, it is very important that the investigation has full information about their torture. That`s why, considering the interest of the relatives of the inmates and whole Georgian society, we are calling on any person or organization, who have obtained video footage or audio record depicting prisoners` abuse, to provide these materials to prosecutor`s office immediately,` says the statement.

New Rights call for large-scale amnesty - 21.09.12, Rustavi2

Opposition party New Rights has demanded nation-wide amnesty following the prisoner torture scandal in recent days. Mamuka Katsitadze of the party voiced their demand at the briefing today
Penitentiary Minister entered Gldani prison together with journalists - 21.09.12 12:06, Rustavi2

The new minister of corrections and legal assistance, Giorgi Tughushi entered Gldani prison for the first time after assuming the office of the minister today. Tughushi was accompanied by journalists, who had a possibility to take brief interviews from inmates.
U.S. Helsinki Commission discussed situation in Georgia amid protest outside - 21.09.12, Rustavi2

The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) assembled in Washington yesterday to discuss the recent scandal of prisoner abuse and torture in Georgian prisons.
Students hold rallies against violence in Tbilisi, Georgia - 20.09.12, Rustavi2

A students rally with slogans - Don`t torture! No Violence! - was held outside the prison hospital in Tbilisi today. Prior to it, a part of teh students, along with representatives of the Georgian Dream coalition were assembled outside teh Ministry of Justice and the president`s residence.
PACE President shocked by ill-treatment of prisoners in Georgia - 20.09.12, Rustavi2

Jean Claude Mignon, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), today issued a statement regarding the ill-treatment of prisoners revealed in Georgia few days ago.
Ombudsman assumes office of corrections minister - 20.09.12, Rustavi2

President of Georgia has introduced the new minister of Corrections and Legal Assistance today. Former public defender Giorgi Tughushi has assumed the vacant position of the minister.
Prosecutor`s Office arrested another person involved in prisoner abuse - 20.09.12
, Rustavi2
Chief Prosecutor`s Office has arrested one more person involved in the scandal of prisoner torture and abuse in the Gldani prison, the video footage of which was released by televisions yesterday. As prosecutor Murtaz Zodelava announced at the briefing today, the detained person is Koba Chikvatia, the inspector of the juvenile colony.
New Rights demand internatinoal investigation of prison scandal - 20.09.12, Rustavi2

New Rights opposition party demands international involvement in the investigation of the prisoner abuse and torture scandal in Gldani prison. Pikria Chikhradze of the party briefed today and addressed the European Commissioner for human rights..
Ten defendants sent to custody - 20.09.12 12:13, Rustavi2

Ten defendants accused of prisoner abuse in the Gldani prison, have been sent to custody under pre-trial detention today. Tbilisi city court ruled on the case this morning.
EU issues statement on prisoner abuse scandal - 20.09.12, Rustavi2

The European Union Delegation has issued a special statement regarding the prisoner abuse in the Gldani N8 prison in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission in Georgia.
Ombudsman`s representatives stay in prisons - 20.09.12, Rustavi2

Representatives of Georgia`s Public Defender were in all problematic prisons of Georgia until late last night after the president ordered to let the ombudsman`s office control how prisoners are treated in prisons in the state of emergency.
Brief dates still underway at Gldani prison - 20.09.12, Rustavi2

Brief dates are still underway at the Gldani notorious prison since yesterday - about 800 people have undergone registration for dates with their relatives and family members after the president issued..
Patrol police officers take over supervision in prisons - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Patrol police officers have been sent to prisons to take over supervision of inmates there. The reshuffles were carried out after President Saakashvili instructed law enforcement agencies today to replace prison guards with patrol police officers.
Rallies held in regions to protest prisoner abuse - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Protest rallies were held in regions of Georgia to object to the torture and sexual assault on convicts revealed in prison No8 in Gldani district of Tbilisi.
Statement by Prosecutor`s office of Georgia - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

The Prosecutor`s office of Georgia has released a statement regarding investigation of the case of one of detainees, who was involved in the torture and inhuman and degrading treatment allegedly committed by the employees of the Penitentiary Department.
"Within the ongoing investigation regarding the cases of torture (Article 1441) and inhuman and degrading treatment (Article 1443), allegedly committed by the employees of the Penitentiary Department, Davit Akobia, the officer of the prison #8 in Gldani is being interrogated at the prosecutor general`s office now. Davit Akobia is cooperating with the investigation. He has already given a testimony given significant information to the investigation. Davit Akobia wants to be involved in the witness protection program", the statement says.
Saakashvili commissions revising correctional system - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili summoned today the prime minister, the justice minister and the prosecutor-in-chief to his office to discuss the facts of human rights violation revealed in the Gldani prison of Tbilisi.
Opposition leaders condemn violence on inmates - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Leaders of several opposition parties have condemned the facts of prisoners` pressure in Gldani prison, demanded criminal investigation and accountability of the persons involved in this grave crime.
Patriarch makes special statement - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II has made a special statement regarding the facts of prisoners` torture in Gldani Prison today. On behalf of the Holy Synod, His Holiness called on the government to form a special commission, which will be in charge of investigating the human torture in prisons and guarantee protection of the rights of the inmates.
HRW publishes open letter about prisoners` abuse in Georgia - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

International human rights organizaton the Human Rights Watch has published a statement regarding the facts of torture revealed in Gldani N8 prison. The organization calls for detailed investigation and punishment of the persons involved in the crime.
Ombudsman`s staff visited Gldani prison - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Representatives of Public Defender`s Office entered Gldani N8 penitentiary department following the scandal of the prisoners` torture last night. They met with the convict Tamaz Tamazashvili. They say Tamazashvili denies any connection with the facts of prisoners` torture and abuse.
Ten persons arrested with the charges of prisoners` torture - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Ten persons have been arrested with the charges of torture and inhumane treatment - Main Prosecutor of Georgia Murtaz Zodelava briefed in this regards today and announced the positions...
Police arrest ten persons suspected of prisoners` torture - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Police have arrested ten persons suspected of organizing prisoners` torture in the Gldani N8 penitentiary facility. All of them have been charged with article N144 - human torture.
Georgian Dream activists rallied at Gldani prison - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Members of the youth wing of the Georgian Dream opposition coalition held a protest rally outside the Gldani N8 prison last night. The protest was sparked after the Ministry of Internal Affairs released the video depicting prisoners` torture and abuse, which took place in this penitentiary facility.
Statement by Public Defender - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Public Defender of Georgia has released a special statement regarding the facts of prisoners` torture in the Gldani N8 prison. In it, Public Defender names all persons, who were shown in the videos depicting the crime and demands beginning of investigation and punishment of the persons involved.
Penitentiary Minister resigns - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

Minister of Probation and Legal Assistance has resigned after the Gldani prison scandal. Khatuna Kalmakhelidze appealed to Prime Minister about resignation this morning.
President`s Statement - 19.09.12, Rustavi2

President of Georgia has made a special statement regarding the facts of human rights violation revealed in the Gldani prison. The videos depicting prisoners` torture and abuse were released by MIA yesterday.
`Fellow Georgians,
What happened in the Gldani number 8 penitentiary facility is a horrific affront to human rights and human dignity.
Those who organized, committed and allowed these crimes to happen will be severely punished.
The police have already arrested most of those identified as involved in these gross abuses. Others are on the run but being actively pursued by police.
This case had already been under investigation because some of the perpetrators had recently been identified as connected with organized crime figures.
Tonight, I tell all the victims of these inhuman actions and the whole nation that the Georgia we have built and we are all building together shall not and will not tolerate such behavior -- in its prisons or anywhere else.
We have not overcome years of impunity and lawlessness to allow some people, whether they are from the criminal world or, worse, from the penitentiary system itself, to commit such crimes.
Those who were responsible for the penitentiary system and could not prevent such atrocities have been fired.
Those who committed these crimes will spend long years in jail.
The whole idea of our new Georgia stands against this violence, which is a reminiscence of our past that shall be and will be eradicated.
I ordered the relevant ministries to work restlessly on this case, identify, arrest and bring to justice all these criminals.
I will personally make sure that justice is delivered.
And I will personally supervise that the dignity of our prisoners is safeguarded in our system, against the abuses of the members of the criminal world and of those corrupt rotten members of the penitentiary who behave like mafia members.
I will supervise this because every Georgian has the same right to dignity and fair treatment in the nation we are all building together.
Our nation is based on the respect of human rights and human dignity and it will get rid of this ugly violence.
Statement by Ministry of Internal Affairs - 18.09.12, Rustavi2

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has published a special statement today:
`On the basis of operative information received from Gldani N8 prison an investigation was launched upon the fact of degrading or inhumane treatment against prisoners from the side of certain penitentiary department employees.
As a result of investigative activities jointly conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Penitentiary Department, it was ascertained that Levan Purtskhvanidze, the head of security section, Vladimer Bedukadze, an operative duty inspector (dismissed from the occupied position in May 2012) and several individuals under their influence have exercised inhumane treatment against prisoners and made video records according to previously elaborated plot.
From the received evidences it was established that organization of inhumane treatment towards prisoners, video recording of such behavior and proposal for material delivery to the clients in return for substantial reimbursement were made by Tamaz Tamazashvili (currently serving his term in the same prison) to penitentiary department employees.
At this stage of investigation and from the retrieved evidences, it became clear that initial contact with a client was provided by Tamaz Tamazashvili and then by means of Tamaz Elizbarashvili.
During searching activities held in the cabinet of Levan Purtskhvanidze police detected video materials depicting inhumane treatment exercised against prisoners and 17 000 USD. It is supposed that besides the above mentioned material there are other video records of the same character.
In the course of investigation Levan Purtskhvanidze, the head of security section, Levan Pkhaladze, section inspector Boris Parulava, were pronounced as an accused for committing the motioned crime and detained. As for Vladimer Bedukadze, he was currently announced as wanted. Investigation is in progress,` the statement says.
Minister of Corrections and Legal Assistance, Khatuna Kalmakhelidze held a special briefing regarding the violations of convics` rights in prisons today. Minister said, the operative department of the ministry worked in coordination with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and revealed the aforementioned crime. Minister said that any person, who tried to provoce violation of prisoners` rights from outside, will be adequately punished in accordance with Georgian legislation.

Überblick zu allen Parteispenden - 11.08.2012, Civil Georgia

Präsident Saakashvili greift Ivanishvili an wegen groben Fehlern in der Darstellung in seinem TV-Sender anläßlich des Jahrestages des Georgienkrieges - 09.08.2012, Civil Georgia

Saakashvili Attacks Ivanishvili over His TV’s War Anniversary News Report Blunder
- ‘Only an idiot can ask a question: who started this war’;
- ‘Putin’s remarks are admission of guilt’;
- Saakashvili to Ivanishvili: ‘Your patron Putin himself said today that he started the war’
President Saakashvili seized upon Bidzina Ivanishvili-funded television station’s August war-related gaffe and said that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin was “patron” of the Georgian Dream opposition coalition leader and “his slaves”.
When reporting about the August war anniversary on August 8 and giving a background information about those events, a newscaster of the Channel 9 TV station’s noon news bulletin read out a text from one of the Georgian news agencies, saying: “Military hostilities were launched on August 7, 2008 between Ossetian separatists, backed by the Russian troops, and the Georgian army. Russia, which legally brought into the region its army units and military hardware, formally engaged in the war on August 8.”
In its 3pm news bulletin the television station apologized for reporting that Russia deployed troops legally, blaming mistake on a news agency, whose text a newscaster was reading. The news agency, GHN, said it made a mistake by not putting the word legally in scare quotes.
“Channel 9’s newsroom apologizes for reading out a text prepared by a news agency without verifying and checking it. At the same time the Channel 9 wants to specify that it does not share such formulation of the text,” a newscaster of TV station’s news bulletin announced.
Channel 9 was not the only TV station which read out this text; Imedi TV’s journalist used the same text, saying that Russian troops were deployed “legally”, while delivering live report in Imedi TV’s 11am news bulletin on August 7. Imedi TV is co-owned by Saakashvili’s ally and former economy minister Giorgi Arveladze.
Speaking in the Black Sea port of Poti, which was one of the targets of Russia’s air strikes during the August war four years ago, President Saakashvili said later on August 8: “This morning one of the political party’s television channel announced that Russian forces… were completely legally operating on the Georgian territory.”
“We are a democratic state and they can think whatever they want; they can say whatever they want, no matter how horrible and disgusting it might be,” Saakashvili said. “But shouldn’t you have at least slight of decency not to say something like this on the day when we all should be paying respect to our fallen compatriots? These people have not even a slight sense of solidarity.”
“Not a single law bans to speak and think this way, but not a single law bans us to express what we think about these people,” he continued.
“One thing is to hate you government and it’s another issue to justify aggression against your own country and to justify an attempt of conquering and destroying your country.”
He then continued by speaking about the August 8 remarks of Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling them “admission of guilt.” Putin said that the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces had drawn up a plan of repelling Tbilisi’s possible attack on South Ossetia more than a year before the August, 2008 war and in addition was also training South Ossetian militias as part of this plan.
“But here is the biggest paradox – today, the major initiator and culprit of [the August, 2008] war, Vladimir Putin, absolutely explicitly stated that for several years he had been planning and training armed groups within our sovereign, independent territory; that is a classical legal definition of an international aggression,” Saakashvili said.
“He [Putin] himself made this admission and when this man states: ‘Yes, I did it, I did it and I’m proud of that’, there are Georgian politicians and their [media] outlets, funded with Russian money, which are sowing uncertainty and confusion about this issue and asking one and the same idiotic question – no one but an idiot will ask this question – ‘who started this war?’.”
“I want to address these people, this man [Ivanishvili] and his slaves: your patron Putin himself said today that he started the war and he’s proud of that; maybe you will now revise your versions about this issue and fit [your versions] to what Putin himself has said,” Saakashvili said.
“This situation now looks like when an offender admits committing a crime… but [the offender]-financed lawyer still says: ‘No, no, that’s not what you think’,” Saakashvili said. “I want to address these people: should not be there a difference between Putin and you? He is Putin and you are Georgians. How can there be uncertainty and confusion about who bombed our homes and our towns?”
Also on August 8 the Georgian Foreign Ministry released a statement saying that Putin’s “open admission of the long-term, pre-meditated nature of the 2008 invasion offers critical insight into the conflict.”
“His statements confirm Georgia's long-standing position that Russia's armed incursion into Georgia in August 2008 constituted a premeditated act of aggression against a sovereign nation,” the Georgian Foreign Ministry said. "Based on today's statement, the Georgian government calls upon the international community to continue to pressure Russia to withdraw its occupying forces from Georgia and to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbors."

Ivanishvili startet Kampagne mit großer Kundgebung - 27.05.2012, Civil Georgia
Ivanishvili-geführte Koalition demontstriert in Tbilisi - 27.05.2012, Civil Georgia

Stichworte: Georgien, Wahlen, Sprache: englisch Archiv: #