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KOMMUNALWAHLEN 2014 IN GEORGIEN - Artikel vom 15.-17.06.2014

Die Zahl der Verstösse bei der Kommunalwahl war groß, hier einige Beispiele: 
Ein Verwandter des Georgian-Dream-Kandidaten wirft nacheinander ca. 150 Stimmzettel unter den Augen der Wahlhelfer in die Wahlurne und danach sogar auch die Wahlhelfer selbst. Die neue georgische Regierung  Georgian Dream scheint also die Kommunalwahl systematisch zu fälschen, nachdem im Vorfeld bereits Druck auf etliche Oppositionskandidaten ausgeübt wurde ...
Beim Übertragen aus dem Wahlprotokoll in die Ergebnsliste gehen nachweislich in drei Wahlbezirken in Tbilisi jeweils 100 Stimmen verloren, ausgeführt durch die CEC (offizielle Wahlkommission), ...

“საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა – საქართველოს“ მონაცემებით, „ერთიანი ნაციონალური მოძრაობის“ თბილისის მერობის კანდიდატ  ნიკა მელიას ცსკ-მ ხმები დააკლო.
“საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა – საქართველო“ 15 ივნისის ადგილობრივი თვითმმართველობის არჩევნებს 450-მდე დამკვირვებლით დააკვირდა.
„აქედან ჩვენი 373 მოხალისე კენჭისყრის დღეს შერჩევის ზომის პროპორციული ალბათობის მეთოდით შერჩეულ უბნებზე დააკვირდა დედაქალაქში. ამ 373 უბნიდან მოპოვებული თბილისის საკრებულოს პროპორციული და მერის არჩევნების შემაჯამებელი ოქმები ჩვენ ცენტრალური საარჩევნო კომისიის (ცესკოს) შედეგების ვებგვერდზე http://results.gov.ge/ შეტანილ ინფორმაციას, საიდანაც საერთო სტატისტიკა დგება, შევადარეთ და რამდენიმე უზუსტობა აღმოვაჩინეთ. „ერთიანი ნაციონალური მოძრაობის“ მერობის კანდიდატისათვის, ნიკა მელიასთვის სამ უბანზე 100-100 ხმის დაკლების შემთხვევები: სამგორის #12 უბანი: ოქმის მიხედვით 111 ხმა აქვს მიღებული, მაგრამ ვებგვერდზე დაფიქსირებულია 11 ხმა; სამგორის #20 უბანი: ვებგვერდის მიხედვით, კანდიდატს 18 ხმა აქვს, მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ შემაჯამებელ ოქმზე თანდართული შესწორების თანახმად, მას 118 ხმა უნდა ჰქონდეს; საბურთალოს #78 უბანი: სავარაუდოდ, ნიკა მელიამ 131 ხმა მიიღო ამ უბანზე, თუმცა ოქმში რიცხვის პირველი ციფრი გადახაზულია და ცესკოს ვებგვერდზეც 31 ხმა არის დაფიქსირებული. აღსანიშნავია, რომ სუბიექტების მიღებული ხმებისა და არჩევნებში მონაწილე ამომრჩეველთა საერთოდ რაოდენობის დასაბალანსებლად სწორედ ეს 100 ხმა არის საჭირო“, - აღნიშნულია ორგანიზაციის მიერ გავრცელებულ განცხადებაში.
ორგანიზაცია უბნების საბოლოო ოქმებსაც აქვეყნებს.
Georgian-Dream-Kandidat bekommt 997 Stimmen, obwohl es im Bezirk nur 258 Wahlberechtigte gab.
„ნაციონალური მოძრაობის“ ვარკეთილის მაჟორიტარ დეპუტატობის კანდიდატი ლევან ხაბეიშვილი სოციალურ ქსელში გარდაბნის ერთ-ერთი უბნის შედეგების ოქმს აქვეყნებს. ოქმზე დაფიქსირებულია ამომრჩეველთა მთლიანი რაოდენობა 258, ხოლო “ქართული ოცნებამ “, ამ ოქმის მიხედვით, 997 ხმა აიღო. ,,დემოკრატიული არჩევნების ნიმუში 258 ადამიანი მივიდა არჩევნებზე და ოცნებამ 997 ხმა აიღო“- წერს “ფეისბუქის “პირად გვერდზე ლევან ხაბეიშვილი. ცესკოს ოფიციალურ გვერდზე კიდევ ერთი, შესწორების ოქმის ფოტოა გამოქვეყნებული ამ უბნიდან, რომელიც 23:50 საათზეა შევსებული და სადაც მითითებულია, რომ 997 ნაცვლად უნდა ეწეროს 97.
EU Statement on Georgia's Local Elections - 17.06.2014, Civil.ge
EU said Georgia’s June 15 municipal elections were “a further step in the continued democratic development of Georgia”, but also added that “concerns remain about campaign-related intimidation and violence.” “We congratulate the voters and candidates for their participation in the first round of local government elections in Georgia on 15 June,” reads the statement, released by spokesperson of EU’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on June 17. “We take note of the findings of domestic observers.” “The elections were marked by improvements in electoral processes, and an increased participation of women. At the same time, concerns remain about campaign-related intimidation and violence. There must be no tolerance for violence or intimidation in the days leading up to the runoffs that are now scheduled to take place in a number of municipalities,” it says.
 “Both an accountable government and constructive opposition are important features of a functioning democratic society. The EU calls on all sides to work together in the new local administrations in the interests of Georgia.” “We commend the Central Elections Commission and local civil society organisations for their important contribution to the electoral process. The European Union looks forward to continuing its close cooperation with the Georgian government,” reads the statement.

The United National Movement continues its allegations on election rigging in Marneuli election district. Zurab Japaridze presented more video footage, which he says, proves that there was a pressure on election commission. He said the former vice president of the Judo Federation, Tamaz Naveriani was seen at several polling stations in Marneuli, where he would enter the prohibited areas in the buildings of the polling stations. Japaridze asserts that Naveriani was violent in his actions; he drove a Lexus vehicle, in which the GD candidate Merab Topchishvili was also sitting.
The UNM has also release another footage, which describes a polling station, where the commission head took away the summarizing document without the consent of the commission members from the office.
Based on these arguments, the UNM calls for nullification of the election results in Marneuli. 

National Movement publishes two videos reflecting instances of election fraud National Movement publishes two more videos in relation to the facts of election fraud.
According to the party representatives, the material reflects the facts of election rraud in Marneuli and Dedoplistskaro.
The National Movement leaders named the surnames of the people who participated in fraudulent activity. They address the Interior Ministry to launch an investigation.
According to Zurab Japaridze, Tamaz Naveriani, former president of the Judo Federation falsified the elections in Marneuli.
“This person moved from one polling station to another in a Lexus with the candidate of Georgian Dream Topchishvili and personally pressured commission members,” – Japaridze said.
As per Nugzar Tsiklauri, the video materials have it that the commission members repeat several times that “there is no balance’’.
‘’It means that in Khornabuji, Dedoplistskaro district from which Garibashvili is, the election results are not people’s will but are caused by the deal between the commission head and the election commission head,”’’ – Tsiklauri said.
The Central Election Commission has nullified the results of the elections on two polling stations of Marneuli, where the videos of violation were taken. Currently, the district commission is discussing the details of the footage, which proves the assertions of the opposition party that there were the attempts of pressure on the commission members in Marneuli as well as procedural violations. The representatives of the CEC and observers are attending the meeting.
The persons seen on the videos have already commented on it saying the footage was fabricated.
Three embassies make joint statement on elections  - 17.06.2014, rustavi2.com

 Pressemitteilung - 16.06.2014, hub.coe.int, Straßburg

„Jeder von uns ist zufrieden, dass die gestrigen Wahlen – ungeachtet der Berichte über lokale Zwischenfälle und einzelne Unregelmäßigkeiten – im Großen und Ganzen ruhig und friedlich abliefen. In Anbetracht des erbitterten Wahlkampfs mit Beleidigungen und Handgreiflichkeiten ist das keine Selbstverständlichkeit“, erklärte heute Jos Wienen (Niederlande, EPP/CCE), Leiter der Delegation des Kongresses der Gemeinden und Regionen zur Beobachtung der georgischen Kommunalwahlen, bei einer Pressekonferenz in Tiflis.
„Bei den Wahlgesetzen besteht indes noch Verbesserungsbedarf. So begünstigt das derzeitige System die herrschenden politischen Kräfte und benachteiligt kleinere Parteien und unabhängige Kandidaten, besonders bei der Zusammensetzung der Wahlkommissionen. Außerdem ist unserer Auffassung nach das Auszählungsverfahren zu überprüfen“, sagte Wienen.
„Des Weiteren wurde uns berichtet, dass sich Kandidaten von Oppositionsparteien von der Wahlliste streichen ließen, nachdem auf sie angeblich entsprechender Druck ausgeübt wurde. Wir fordern deshalb die georgischen Behörden dringend auf, angemessene und transparente Maßnahmen und rechtliche Verfahren einzuleiten. Das gilt ebenso für die gewaltsamen Zwischenfälle, die sich im Vorfeld der Wahlen und am Wahltag selbst ereigneten“, betonte er.
„In Hinblick auf die für die kommenden Wochen angesetzten Stichwahlen ist also eine Null-Toleranz-Politik gegenüber Gewalttätigkeiten sowie herabwürdigender und gehässiger Rhetorik nötig. Ich rufe alle politischen Akteure – der Regierung wie der Opposition – nachdrücklich dazu auf, ihren Beitrag zu dieser Strategie zu leisten“, so der Leiter der Kongressdelegation.
Pressemitteilung - Vorläufige Schlussfolgerungen - Pressemitteilung vom 11. Juni 2014 - Georgien im Europarat
Local government elections were conducted with numerous incidents  - 16.06.2014, rustavi2.com
The local government elections were conducted in Georgia on June 15th, but they were not free of incidents. Several facts of pressure, argument, clashes were reported from various regions of Georgia. The activists of the United National Movement were assaulted in several regions. The first incident occurred in the headquarters of the Vazisubani single-mandate MP candidate Giorgi Oniani. According to one version, somebody shot twice at the window glass of the office. The investigation has been launched for `damaging others` property`; however, the police have not confirmed that the office was shot at. The candidate of the Nino Burjanadze - United Opposition bloc rallied outside the N28 Nadzaladevi district. They said the members of the commission changed the number of the votes received by the ruling party candidate, which caused great difference with the real number of votes gained by them. There was a clash in Khoni too - after the polling stations were closed, some yet unidentified persons intruded into the N22 election district. Fifteen persons broke the ballot box and tore the ballots. The commission member said these persons were the activists of the Georgian Dream Coalition. They also assert the UNM obtained the majority of votes at this district. A voter and a member of the commission had a clash in Tskaltubo district. The candidate of the UNM Zviad Tvaltvadze tried to clarify what was going on, when he was insulted by a supporter of the GD. Tvaltvadze has been already interrogated. When and in which cities the second run-off of the elections will be appointed is yet decided. The CEC will appoint the second round of elections after the vote count is over.
UNM Leaders Comment on Local Elections - 15.06.2014, Civil.ge
Leaders of UNM opposition party said after polls closed in the June 15 local elections that “very low” voter turnout demonstrates that the Georgian Dream suffers “deep crisis of public trust”, and exit poll results, suggesting possibility of second round runoffs in some of the largest cities, show support to the ruling coalition is on decline.
Giga Bokeria, one of UNM’s leaders, said that low voter turnout was a “direct result of general atmosphere of violence, hatred, intimidation, and cynicism created by the government.”
He said that that contrary to predictions by Bidzina Ivanishvili’s “puppet” PM Irakli Garibashvili that UNM would disappear off the political radar, the opposition party has actually improved its result since the presidential elections seven months ago. Bokeria said that according to exit poll results GD itself is suffering a “serious decline” in support. “I am sure this trend will continue,” Bokeria told Maestro TV.
MP Davit Bakradze, leader of UNM parliamentary minority group, said that “instead of imitating celebration” staged after the exit poll results were announced, the Georgian Dream should “learn lessons” from these elections.
“I do not understand what they are celebrating when almost 60% of voters did not turn out at polling station and by doing so they [voters] expressed protest,” Bakradze said, adding that these elections should be a clear signal to the authorities that voters are not satisfied with government’s policies.
“It will be regrettable if instead of learning this lesson, they will try to portray that everything is alright and it’s time for celebration now,” MP Bakradze said.
Gigi Ugulava, one of UNM’s leaders and chief of its campaign, said: “In the second round runoffs our society will show even more clearly to the authorities that it can’t continue like this anymore… and should substantially change its policies and it should give up cynical approach as if it has delivered with all of its promises.”
In a written statement UNM said that “a sharp fall in voter turnout illustrates deep crisis of public trust that the current Georgian government has fallen into.”
“Unfortunately, today’s elections were substantially impacted by undemocratic, deteriorated election environment marred with frequent violence, well-documented pressure on UNM candidates as well as statements by top government officials justifying violence.”
UNM described PM Garibashvili’s statement made after the exit polls were announced as “insistence that there will be no runoff in Tbilisi.” UNM said that such “insistence while all preconditions” for second round are in place is “inadequate and undemocratic.”
“This statement points to a possibility of using the pressure employed by the government in pre-election period upon the election administration,” UNM said.
Local self-government elections 2014: TI Georgia’s statement regarding electoral processes (7:00am-12:00pm) - 15.06.2014, transparency.ge
At this point, the 2014 local self-government elections are taking place in a safe environment. The polling stations that we are monitoring opened on time, around 8:00am. Transparency International (TI) Georgia’s observers have reported 6 minor and 11 relatively significant procedural violations. At this point, our monitors have submitted 5 complaints in total. Most violations were observed in Zugdidi and Martvili districts.
Some of the significant violations observed by our monitors are described below:
- Voting was disrupted at polling station #32 in Zugdidi district due to violence by unidentified individuals,
Despite the fact that the marking identifier did not work in polling station #20 (Tamakoni) of the Martvili district, the voting process continued for several hours;
- At four polling stations - #26 and #64 in Zugdidi and #11 and #27 in Martvili, two representatives from the same party/coalition were present at polling stations (Georgian Dream, United National Movement and Non-Parliamentary Opposition) although they are only allowed to have one single representative at each polling station.
- Personal information on 10 voters out of the 14 registered on the mobile ballot box voters list in Isani district polling station #14 was incorrect and these citizens were denied the right to vote. After the mobile box was returned to the polling station, the Precinct Election Commission (PEC), upon consulting with the District Election Commission (DEC), corrected information about the voters and decided to allow them to vote.
- At Didube district polling station #31 the initial procedures - which were supposed be conducted from 7 to 8am (assigning roles to PEC members) - took place earlier than 7am. As a result, TI Georgia’s observers could not monitor the procedures.
- The candidates and party lists were not posted at Khoni district polling stations #1 and #4.
We welcome the fact that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already reacted and launched investigation into to the reported theft of ballots from the Martvili district polling station #16, as well as the alleged case of violence on UNM representatives.
TI Georgia has deployed 450 observers to monitor the 2014 June 15 local self-government elections. Our stationary observers are assigned to 373 polling stations randomly selected in Tbilisi in all the 10 electoral districts of Tbilisi. In addition, TI Georgia has 15 mobile groups observing elections in Tbilisi. We also have 25 mobile teams monitoring elections in 29 municipalities and self-governing cities throughout 5 regions. The Civil Development Agency (CiDA) is assisting TI Georgia in Kvemo Kartli districts.
TI Georgia will release its observations for the election day developments twice during the day: at 4 and 8pm.

Stichworte: Georgien, Wahlen, Sprache: englisch, deutsch Archiv: #